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Start Sleeping Better Today, Not Tonight

in Garmin
Hits: 305
Start sleeping better today with a Garmin smartwatchA good night’s sleep makes everything better. It is only when you are asleep that your body can reach the peak of its recovery powers. Keeping tabs on your sleep and developing good sleep habits is easier than ever thanks to an ever-growing number of insights available on your Garmin watch.
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Garmin named 2023 Manufacturer of the Year by the National Marine Electronics Association

in Garmin
Hits: 219
Garmin named 2023 Manufacturer of the YearGarmin® International has been named Manufacturer of the Year in the large manufacturer category for the ninth consecutive year by members of the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA®). The Manufacturer of the Year title is awarded to the most recognized company in the marine electronics industry for excellence in product service and support in the field.
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